Saturday, April 11, 2015

J is for Jam

Nothing better than a little jam on some toast or a scone. Jam was also the first thing I learned to can. It is soo easy.

The first jam I made was grape using nothing but grape juice, sugar and pectin. It came out pretty good, but I don't care for grape. It's the only kind that the hubby will eat.

My favorite is strawberry. I make this every year using the strawberries that I picked from the farm up the street. Although, this year I should have enough strawberries from my own patch to make some jam with. If I don't eat them all first. The few I got last year were super yummy.

Last year I made blueberry jam for the first time using some organic blueberries I got on sale. I have three blueberry bushes planted, but they didn't produce anything last year, just grew. I am hoping they grow berries this year.

I gave both the strawberry and blueberry jam away for gifts this past Christmas. They were a hit. I am usually at a loss as to what to get my family for gifts, so we make each other gifts. Jam is perfect.

This coming season I am going to try raspberry jam. I just need to make sure I have a screen on my food mill that is small enough to keep the raspberry seeds out of the jam. I hate seeds in my jam. I also hate chunky jam. It's a texture thing.

Blueberry jam. These are the last of the jars I have left from this past year.

The last of my strawberry jam. I had run out of half pint jars so used these little ones. 


  1. The year I was pregnant with my daughter (35 summers ago) my husband's grandma taught me how to make jam. We picked sour cherries and made cherry jam with them, and also using some purchased concord grapes we made grape jelly. The only time I ever canned after that was when I made apple butter, which is one of my personal favorite toast toppers. :) Nice blog and theme for the A to Z! :)

    1. Mmmmm cherry jam. I am going to have to try that. I love cherry's! I make apple butter as well. Super yummy! Makes the house smell sooo good when it is cooking.

  2. Strawberry is also my favorite. Strawberry freezer jam is one of the best things on Earth. And I seeds. I don't like the texture and I don't like picking the seeds out from between my teeth. Glad to find you via the A to Z! Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie


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