Thursday, April 9, 2015

H is for Homeschooling

I am not new to homeschooling, in fact I had started reading about it back when my now 20 year old was a baby. But something about being a single teen mom stopped me from homeschooling her at that time. We didn't start our homeschool journey until she was 10, just finishing the 5th grade. At the time my husband (not her biological father) was very against it. I withdrew my daughter from school without his consent and pulled the "she's not your daughter" card even though he helped me raise her. Her own father was not in her life, and really isn't in it now. My hubby didn't talk to me for 2 weeks, at least. If you talk to him now, he is totally on board with homeschooling, all thanks to the Common Core State Standards. Something that both of us are against. But we won't get into that here.

Our first year was a trial and error year, like it is for all first time homeschool parents. Eventually we followed a Charlotte Mason style homeschool while using Ambleside Online. I still love this style of homeschooling, but the amount of reading in it was not a good fit for my son, my daughter thrived on it. She was only homeschooled for 3 years then went into high school, entering into AP classes.

My son, Matt, went to school for kindergarten, then homeschooled for 1-3 grade, then back in public school for 4-7 (we had moved to NH by this time) and now back home for the rest of his schooling. 4 years left after this year. This year has also been a trial and error year too while I get familiar with what will and will not work for Matt.

With Matt we use a combination of a CM and Classical homeschool based off The Well Trained Mind. He likes the shorter lessons that the CM style encourages, but he hates to read, honestly at all. I have to force him to read. He doesn't like the nature study that CM does, but I love it. I am a nature girl, so I am always adding a little something nature related even if he doesn't like it. Right now our nature thing is watching three baby owlets grow up via an owl cam. (All three owls have fledged. I wrote this post way before they did)

The high school years are coming up this coming fall. I have most of the 9th grade year planned out already, but it still freaks me out knowing these are the years that really count. Transcripts, maybe attending college, all that fun stuff. If you continue to read my blog, you will be along for the journey too.


  1. Yay for Homeschooling. My daughter-in-law is homeschooling my grandchildren and I think they are much better off for it. BTW, I'm dropping in from a link on Rosie Amber's blog

    1. Woot homeschooling! I am open to any kind of education, but the public school system did not work for us. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Yay for Homeschooling. My daughter-in-law is homeschooling my grandchildren and I think they are much better off for it. BTW, I'm dropping in from a link on Rosie Amber's blog

  3. What a journey. Just goes to prove that what is good for one kid is not necessarily best for any other.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  4. I am so impressed! I think homeschooling would be so hard. But I'm also not a parent so I really have no point of reference. I admire those who do it and I hear amazing things about how children progress and thrive. Kudos to you and yours!
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. There are days where I want to pull my hair out, but I also love how much closer my son and I have become. I felt like I had no clue what he liked or was into when he was in school, now I can combine his love of cars and building them into his lessons. Lots of math in there.


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