Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blizzard of 2015

This past week has been crazy. First over the weekend we got about 7 inches of snow. During that little storm, we taught Matt how to use the snow blower. Not that we needed the snow blower to move the snow, a shovel was more than enough, but we wanted him to practice in a smaller amount of snow first.

He did a good job and we allowed him to use it during the blizzard to get us and neighbors out. He made 50.00 and got some food as a payment as well.

I took this picture of my backyard last Saturday. I fell hard right after I took it and have been super sore since. I bruised my tailbone really bad and hit my head hard so I had headaches for a few days. Nothing broken and no concussion. That's why I have been absent from here.

The snow started Monday afternoon for us here. I live about 20 minutes inland off the coast of southern NH. We started out with ocean effect snow showers.

Tuesday morning I attempted to open the backdoor to see how bad it was out. I didn't go outside until today. I hate the cold and I was super sore from both my fall and my RA. There are about 4 or 5 stairs hidden under all the snow.

Matt and Steve digging out the cars during the height of the blizzard. Both of them went out several times during the two days of the storm to keep our driveway sort of clear. Our neighbor had to dig our door out Tuesday morning after he crawled out his window. Matt snow blowed the end of his driveway for him as a thanks.

The blizzard was finally over Wednesday and both Matt and Steve again spent the day outside cleaning up. Matt mostly. He had to shovel out the shed door (we have a chest freezer in there) and the backdoor (where I was standing to take this picture).

Icicles above the backdoor. I ended up knocking them off. The sky was so pretty too.

Bigger collection of icicles coming off our metal roof. I need to take them off before they fall off and brake that window.

Remember that picture I took of my backyard before the blizzard, right before my fall? Well here is the yard once again, only full of all the snow and Matt's snow fort. He has been working on that thing for days. Notice the table. You can just make out the top of it.

Part of my garden. These are my snap pea trellis. They come up to my neck (I am 5'6"). Lots of snow back there. We had to dig out part of our oil tank so that we can get to it to get more oil. Something we will need soon I am thinking.

The path from the driveway to the backyard. It may not look like a lot of snow here because it was light and fluffy snow and blew all over the place. Now that storm is over, we are getting more tomorrow. They are estimating another 6-8 inches. Winter has finally arrived.

1 comment:

  1. So much snow!!! I'm popping in early from the A-Z challenge. I see that you have fibro - me too. I have found that taking MSM helps (pure MSM, not with other ingredients.) I'm also being evaluated for RA. My blood work says I have it, but my joints do not show it. A book called THE INFLAMMATION NATION has been very helpful for me. It talks about changing your diet to eliminate foods that inflame the system. It has been helpful for me. The MSM has eliminated my muscle aches, so I'm grateful for that. I love the theme of your blog. I'm a homemaker too, and I love to bake and have quilted in the past. I, too, think homemaking is a valuable lifestyle. Families benefit from having SOMEONE at home. :-) I'm a new follower. Come visit me if you'd like:


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