Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Planning the Garden

Right now we have two small and one large raised beds, as well as five large pots, that we grow our veggies in. We need more room, so in the next couple weeks, we will be making one more large and one more small bed.

When I started growing my own veggies, our yard was small and five different levels. We lived on the side of a cliff. So, we grew in containers. We started with just tomatoes in five gallon buckets. Soon we added squash and peas.

Now we have a much larger (and fairly level) yard. Even though we live in a mobile home park, we still have a good sized lot. I believe ours is the biggest lot too. The park owner gave us permission to put in a garden. We have a side yard and a backyard, but our garden is only in the back.

This is the small bed behind our shed. The snap peas and shelling peas will be planted there. In the two pig pots I have some broccoli. My herbs are in the smaller pots. So far there is rosemary, curly parsley and cilantro. My poor scarecrow needs a new shirt. This one use to be a blue plaid. Now it is so faded and it is tearing very easily. Maybe he will get some pants this time too. LOL.

This is a view of the second small bed and the large bed. This small bed will have my tomatoes and basil. The large bed will have the onions, cucumbers, summer squash and zucchini. From this picture you can see where our two new beds will be put. A third small bed will go next to the one behind the shed. In that bed, our bush beans will be planted.

There will also be another large bed on the other side of our compost bin. In this bed our bell peppers, butternut squash and pumpkins will be planted.

The hubby and I built two trellises out of PVC pipe. One for the peas and one for the cucumbers. I used hemp twine to make the netting. This took me a bit to do, but I like how it came out. We will have to build another one for the butternut squash eventually.

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